
Gradius iii ship
Gradius iii ship

gradius iii ship

Options can be set to follow your ship's movement like a tail, rotate around your vessel in a circular orbit and more. Lasers, for example, are available in thin twin beams, rippling circular waves, chargeable energy bursts or the traditional straight cutting stream.


You can choose from set, standard lineups, or pick each style of upgrade individually. Before launching into the first stage, you're given the chance to customize your selection of power-ups from a wide array of choices. The "other" comes in via Gradius III's unique and novel expansion of pre-game armament selection, the Edit Mode. Then you can multiply your firepower with flying, sidekick partner spheres called Options that shoot every time you do, and protect yourself with force fields or other defensive barriers.

gradius iii ship

For a greater investment, you can replace that gun entirely with more powerful, piercing lasers. You can increase your ship's speed, outfit it with secondary-fire missiles, and split your primary gun to fire in two directions. Certain enemies leave behind pulsating batteries when defeated, and gathering these moves a highlighting cursor from left to right across an array of upgrade options. Like Gradius and Life Force before it, Gradius III employs a bottom-of-the-screen power-up meter fueled by floating, glowing orbs. The stages, baddies and bosses are too tough. It's plausible that in the Gradius and Salamander stages, those ships would be used in place of the standard Vic Viper design. As equipped at the game's onset, it's actually impossible to finish the game. The Gradius ship uses the default ship palette, while the Salamander ship actually has a custom palette loading during the Salamander stage (Palette 16) that's not used by any other object in the game.

gradius iii ship


You guide your ship through 10 forced-scrolling levels full of swarms of enemies, environmental hazards and gigantic bosses - some of which arrive in groups, one after another. You play through as the pilot of a legendary starfighter, the Vic Viper. It was toned down a bit (emphasis on the bit) as Gradius III is still a true challenge. It was so tough, so inhospitable to new players, that Konami actually pulled the coin-op unit in a factory recall shortly after its debut. It was adapted from an arcade release known for its unrelenting and near-maddening level of difficulty. Released for the Super NES in 1991, Gradius III was one of the first and most impressive games for Nintendo's 16-bit system. One of the best titles to grace any of the Big N's platforms was Gradius III. Nintendo systems were always a friend to shooter fans.

Gradius iii ship